There’s no shame in wanting to stand out with your home’s appearance and be considered the prettiest in the neighborhood. In fact, it could even serve as inspiration and motivate neighbours to keep up.
There’s nothing vain about it, it just means you like to work to keep the appearance neat and beautiful, investing your time and effort in it. Speaking of it, here are some suggestions in how to enhance it.
You’ve Got Mail
You don’t have to start big knowing beauty is in the details, no matter how small. Often neglected, the letter box can have a great role in the curb appeal. Luckily, if yours got a little rusty and you got tired of the look, there are plenty of mail boxes Australia round specialised stores and designers have to offer.

The concept of mail may be old, but there’s nothing old about the seamless design and choice of materials of mailboxes today, such as aluminium and tropical hardwood, and there’s plenty to choose from in terms of type, making up your mind between fence or post mounted, wall or flush mounted.
There’s also the fact you can customise the mail boxes Australia stores and designers provide so you’d have something personalised and unique, either with engraving or locking up, or even using plants to decorate with the help of specialised planter boxes.
Get the Paint Brush
Though it might not appear to be the drastic changing solution, a fresh paint job can do wonders for the curb appeal. The weather can greatly affect the way the home’s main features look, like the door, garage door, windows, porch, and repainting them would instantly brighten up the appearance.

Don’t leave out the hardware from the makeover, a little paint can save you from having to buy new hardware altogether.
Fix the Walkway
The walkway has both a functional and aesthetic role at the same time, so if it’s not exactly a sight to see chances are it’s not that functional either, and given how important it is for a home, it can be unsafe too; in other words, begging for a makeover.

Keeping it natural (e.g. stone) is always a great option, not only because it’s versatile but also for how unique it can be. For instance, quarried stone is beautiful and can provide your home with some much-needed texture. Plus, you’d have fun coming up with the ways to arrange it, and whether or not you’d use herbs in between the stones.