We all know that exercise is good for our physical and mental health. Regular physical activity can have tons of benefits for your overall well-being, such as helping you lose and control your weight, reducing the risk of heart diseases, the rise of blood pressure and insulin, minimizing the risk of cancers, improving mood and sleep, boosting energy and many more. Plus, you can always do it with someone else, a friend or a family member, which also improves your social skills.

For many people, exercise means losing weight, but for a good amount of people, it means just maintaining or increasing their muscle mass. In order to do that, you need to eat a controlled amount of protein with each meal of the day. For an average person, the protein intake should be 0.8 grams per kg of body fat. But for people who are trying to gain muscle mass, it should be 1.5 – 2.0 grams per kg of body fat.
The first and most important source of protein should be foods such as red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy and whey. But you can also use protein powder as a supplement. Of course, you can also find gluten free protein powders if you’re dealing with celiac disease or gluten allergy. These powders increase muscle mass and promote muscle growth, give a boost of energy, help reach peak physical performance, aid metabolism and aid with weight management.
Gluten-Free Protein Powders
Whey is the liquid that separates from the milk during the process of cheese production. There are actually two proteins in there. One is whey and the other (the separated curdles) is casein. After it gets separated, it has to go through many steps to become the powder that we use. By itself, whey is tasteless, that’s why there are flavours added to it, such as chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, which are the most popular ones. Whey is loaded with the nine essential amino acids we need and it’s easily digestible and absorbed.
Whey protein has many functions and purposes, but the best ones are increasing muscle mass and strength. The optimal time for using whey protein is around the time of exercising. Before, during or right after a workout increases the chances for a better result in muscle growth. Whey also offers tons of other benefits.
- Lowering blood pressure by around 4% due to lactokinins;
- Help in treating type 2 diabetes, most effectively when taken before or together with high carb meals;
- Reduce inflammation by reducing the C-reactive protein;
- Beneficial to IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease);
- Enhance the antioxidant defences by helping in the forming of glutathione;
- Reduces hunger because it’s highly satiating.
Make sure to only take whey as directed. High doses of whey and its overuse can have negative results and some side effects. These include nausea, acne, increased bowel movement, pain, cramping, diarrhea, reduced appetite, headache and more.
Same as whey, casein is found in milk, and it’s the substance that gives milk its white colour. In contrast with whey, casein is a slow-release protein and it gets absorbed at a different rate. Because of this, it may be a better protein to reduce our appetite and increase the feeling of fullness.
Also, it is recommended to take casein before bedtime. Its slow protein breakdown in the muscles is perfect for when the body is at rest. This way it can feed the muscles longer and without disturbance.

Casein also comes flavourless, but the chocolate, strawberry and vanilla are added to it to make it tastier. Containing all the amino acids that our body can’t produce naturally, it is the perfect gluten free protein supplement, beneficial for our health. When compared to people who use whey protein, users of casein have a double muscle mass and triple the fat loss. When it comes to scientific research, not much and not enough has been studied and known for sure about the usage and benefits of casein.
It is known that it may help with:
- Blood pressure levels;
- Cell growth;
- Weight management;
- High cholesterol;
- Immune function.
As for side effects, there aren’t any if you take it in the recommended doses.
Egg protein powder is one of the oldest forms of protein powders, dating before whey or casein. The egg white is a rich source of protein. It contains more than 70% of all the protein found in the egg. It is filled with amino acids that are of big help to our health.
At the beginning of the creation process, the egg whites are separated from the yolk (which contains a big amount of fats). After that, they are pulverised and dehydrated, turned into fine powder. Usually, the egg whites are liquified in order to be stored and transported to the processing facility and may sit there for a couple of days. During that time, manufacturers have the opportunity to add flavours, preservatives and dyes. You can get the unflavoured version, or, according to your preferences get chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Oftentimes manufacturers get the eggs from cheap sources without inspecting the quality. In contrast, they should always watch out for local farms that are GMO-free.
Some studies have found that egg protein can help with:
- Blood pressure levels;
- Heart health;
- Weight management;
- Bone health;
- Eyesight.
On the other hand, it can lower the levels of vitamin A, some vitamin B, iron, selenium and phosphorus. Also, it has less effect in reducing hunger.

Pea protein powder is one of the most non-allergic of them all. Being rich in iron, arginine and amino acids, helps with muscle growth, a healthy heart and feeling full.
Yellow peas are used most often because of the lower amounts of sugar. They are dried and ground. After that, the starch and fibre are separated to get the protein substance. Sometimes flavours or preservatives can be added, so make sure you read the label before you buy and consume this protein powder.
Pea protein has several health benefits:
- Easy to digest;
- Fast absorption;
- Building muscles;
- Regulates appetite;
- Good for the kidney and heart;
- Allergen-free.
What Is the Best Gluten-Free Protein Powder for You?
After taking a look at these options above, you should be able to know which protein powder suits you best. It all depends on your free time, health condition, goals, and personal preferences. Take the time, do some research, try some of them and see which one works best for you. Make sure you choose a reputable brand because there are a lot of options out there.