Getting your drivers license is something that’s becoming more and more important as having your own vehicle is required now more than ever. Buying a vehicle is more affordable than ever although every single one has maintenance costs on a monthly basis. If this means that you’ll be getting a new vehicle for the first time or have just gotten one, you should look to incorporate not just some driving habits, but also auto accessories too. Just like you would gather on equipment for your off-roading trip, you should also get some much-needed accessories for your everyday rides. These accessories will make your driving experience far easier and comfortable.
What Should I Buy for My New Car?
Seat & Floor Covers

First and foremost you should protect your seats and floor from dirt, grime and water and make the former more comfortable too. The floor of your vehicle will stay dry and it only takes a minute or two to clean floor covers also known as mats. This is true if you get rubber mats. While you would think seat and floor covers are only sold in a car accessories shop for aesthetic purposes, well, they’re not. Especially when it comes to seat covers, you can make your seat truly comfortable whilst keeping it safe from the UV rays too.
Phone Holder

We all have one and we all use it for various tasks, so why not do the same to make our driving more convenient. You definitely shouldn’t text and drive but what you can do is get a phone holder and utilise your vehicle’s infotainment system to work together with your phone. You can take calls hands-free and sent messages too. Not to mention that having your smartphone on a holder will help you with navigation too.
Jumper Cable

Something that every car owner should have whether it’s their first time owning a vehicle are jumper cables. While new car models won’t experience a dead battery as much as older ones, its good to have a backup option. Someone may refuse to tow your car but they won’t refuse to get it started up with the help of their battery. If you have a pair of jumper cables, half the work is already done.
Digital Tire Gauge

Keeping your tires well-inflated means knowing the pressure level inside them. A digital tire gauge is the best accessory for this. There’s a couple of reasons for this. Fist, digital gauges of any kind are more accurate than analog. Second, when you go to a petrol station to fill up your tires you don’t get exact measurements, Although the gauge doesn’t measure accurately because the tires are hot. You need to use the tire gauge early in the morning or when the engine is cold.
Air Freshener/ Perfume

Whilst keeping your car’s interior will keep bad odours away, keeping it smelling fresh actually requires an air freshener. A vehicle that smells good will make for a more enjoyable ride despite not impacting the performance of your vehicle it will impact your subconscious in another way. If you want to take it up a level then you should get a car perfume. They last longer and give your vehicle a distinctive smell.
Parking Camera/ Sensors

This goes especially for new drivers with big cars. Installing a parking camera or sensor may be a complicated process but it is definitely worth it. These type of vehicle accessories will make you reverse far quicker and safer and keep anxiety level low when parallel marking.

Modern problems require modern solution and the most commonly used solution to provide additional charging ports and Bluetooth connectivity are cigarette lighter chargers. These usually offer two USB ports and Bluetooth functionality but they can have a display for vehicle temperature and an aux cord too. The more features they have the less affordable they are.
Neck Pillow

If you plan on having long trips across the country then you want to invest in a soft neck pillow. Unless you get a sport version of the newest Honda Civic then you will definitely need to put a neck pillow under the headrest. This will prevent straining your neck and lower back too.
Blind Spot Mirrors

Blind spots can be real tricky especially when you’re a new driver. Having a pair of blind spot mirrors installed eliminates them completely and you’re able to have a better of view of your surroundings without having to turn around like you used to.
Type-A Rearview Mirror

This type of rearview mirror allows you to see more of what’s going on behind your vehicle. Although not as commonly found in a car accessories shop a type-A mirror gives you an extended field of view which is helpful especially for new drivers. These type of rearview mirrors also come with a clip at the back to adjust their position to prevent glares.