Present-day offices are equipped with different appliances to make workspace more comfortable. Considering the fact that we all spend at least 8 hours at work every day, offices are in some sense our second homes. Therefore, creating a comfortable workspace is important. Aside from interior design, networking gear and office supplies, equipping an office with certain appliances will help create enjoyable working space. Here’s a list of few must-haves.
Coffee machines – Starting a working day without a hot cup of coffee is unimaginable. This is a popular morning ritual for many hard working people since caffeine boosts brain activity and energizes body. There are number of different kinds and models of coffee machines suitable for office use.
Mini bar fridges – Just like regular refrigerator, mini bar fridge serves the same purpose, for storing soft drinks and various food such as fruits, vegetables, salads, sandwiches, etc. Mini bar fridge is especially useful during hot summer days as it prevents food from getting spoiled and keeps water and other refreshments cold. 8-12 hours of hard labor requires intake of high-calorie food and lots of liquids, thus it is important to have food in the office. And mini bar fridge is super convenient for this matter. They can easily fit in any space and do not use a lot of energy.
Mini dishwashers – Just like mini bar fridge, mini dishwasher is super useful appliance every office should have. It is small, compact and can easily fit into any office. In fact it specially designed for small offices for washing dishes, glasses and coffee cups.
Microwaves – This is an inevitable appliance of many modern and well-equipped offices that have separate eating and food preparing area. Microwaves are commonly used for heating frozen food or cold food (often prepared at home). It is super convenient and does not take up a lot of space.
Blenders – Because everyone is in tune with healthy eating habits, these appliances certainly come in handy for those who pay attention to what they eat and drink. They are perfect for making super healthy and nutritional smoothies, various soft drinks and even salad dressings.
These are just few most commonly used and super convenient kitchen appliances. An office equipped with such appliances is certainly a more enjoyable place for completing tasks and various business activities, a place that sparks creativity and increases productivity of all employees.