I get it, to drop some kilos, you have decided to switch regular drinks for diet ones. But did you know that diet drinks can actually lead to weight gain? Having only 5 calories or less per serving, diet drinks make many believe they are choosing the healthier solution. Not really!

Diet sodas are packed with artificial ingredients such as sweeteners, which are known to increase cravings in the body for other sweet treats. This means that you will end up consuming even more calories. So, what actually are the healthy alternatives to diet sodas? Take a look at some of our suggestions.
Natural lime juice is packed with vitamins and is a great source of carbohydrates. Thanks to its several nutritional characteristics, natural lime juice can help in weight management. But the healthy benefits of this juice do not stop here. It also improves digestion, helps relieve constipation and it also assists in skin care, eye care, urinary disorders, etc.
- 1 lime
- 1 lemon
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 cup water
- ice cubes (around 16)
Preparation: Cut the fruits and squeeze all of the juice. Put the juice into a glass and add water and honey. Stir well. Add the ice cubes and serve.
- Sparkling Pomegranate Tea
- 2 cups of water
- ½ cup pomegranate juice
- ½ cup cold green tea
- ¼ cup sparkling water
- 2 tbs honey
Preparation: Combine the ingredients and serve.
- Citrusade
Citrus fruits contain fiber that can make you feel full. Simply said, they act like an appetite suppressant. They also nourish the body with minerals and vitamins while helping it detoxify. In addition to this, with their sweet and sour flavour, citrus fruits taste really good.
- 1 ½ cups water
- ¾ cup fresh lemon juice
- ½ cup fresh orange juice
- ¼ cup fresh lime juice
- 2 tbs honey
- 1qt chilled club soda
Preparation: Cut the fruits and squeeze all their juice. Put it into a glass and add the water, club soda and honey. Stir well and serve.
- Agua Fresca the Melon
- 7 cups seeded watermelon chunks
- 350 ml sparkling water
- ¼ cup packed fresh mint leaves
- honey to taste
Preparation: In a blender, blend all the ingredients together and serve. For an extra antioxidant boost, add red grapes or blueberries to this deliciously healthy and bubbly drink.
- Melon Lime Cooler
- 1 cup seedless red grape
- 1 small honeydew melon
- ½ cup freshly squeezed lime juice
- ½ cup honey
- 2 cups sparkling water
Preparation: Blend all the ingredients together in a blender and serve.