A surveyor’s wheel, a hodometer, a trundle wheel, a perambulator, a measuring wheel, all these are names for one single device that is used for measuring distances. Strong, lightweight and highly reliable. the distance measuring wheel is used by professional paving contractors, estimators, surveyors, real estate pros, facility engineers, police officers and telecommunication contractors. So, what is the main purpose of this amazing and highly advanced tool? – To measure and give accurate estimations. As simple as that.
People prefer to use a distance measuring wheel for estimation of building lot sizes, carpet measurements, insurance calculations, utility contracting, and so on. That’s because this tool measures distances fast and very accurately. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications. As said, the distance measuring wheel can be used for many projects. Let’s check some of them.
Roads – One of the most common devices which are used for road construction projects is the distance measuring wheel. Even if the surface is rough and uneven, you can be sure that this device will provide accurate measurements. Some distance measuring wheels are specifically designed for uneven surfaces. The biggest advantage of the measuring wheel is the fact that it is lightweight, therefore it can be easily carried around. The distance measuring wheels intended for road use are more expensive than the ones used for indoor applications.
Surveyors – A distance measuring wheel is also called a surveyor’s wheel. That’s not without a reason. In the past, this tool was most commonly used by surveyors. They used a measuring tool for measuring distances between towns. They still do. Just keep in mind that the purpose of this distance measuring wheel is to measure the distance. It doesn’t account for elevation too.
Gardens –Want to know the exact size of your garden? But the garden contours don’t allow you to use a tape measure? Then, get a distance measuring wheel. This device can go around the perimeter of your property and size it up fast and accurately. And it’s pretty easy. You just need to roll the wheel back and forth.
Interiors – The measuring wheels which are used for measuring the interior inside the buildings are significantly smaller than the conventional ones. But, they are more accurate as well. This kind of distance measuring wheel is designed for builders and contractors rather than homeowners. Compared to a tape measure, this device is far more accurate and fast.
Rail – The distance measuring wheel is also used for measuring railroad trucks. The design of this tool is slightly different from the standard distance measuring tool. It has metal side plates which are designed to keep the wheel on the track. It is much easier to accurately measure the railroad truck with a distance measuring wheel that is specifically designed for this purpose.