We all love camping, simply because it is a fun way to enjoy in the nature. To make your camping days more interesting and more comfortable, you need appropriate camping equipment. If you love to travel around the country with your caravan, make sure you bring a 12 volt camping equipment with you. The new caravan models are equipped with essential accessories and equipment. But if you have an older model, you certainly need to include a 12 volt camping equipment in your caravan. Make your camping trips more comfortable with the following caravan and camping equipment.
Portable Fridge – For keeping your food supplies fresh, you need a portable fridge. This 12 volt camping equipment is a must-have for your caravan. Available in many different sizes and shapes, the portable fridge can suit any caravan model. The portable fridge is lightweight and compact, ideal for camping, picnic or another outdoor adventure. On top of all, it is cost-effective and easy to install.

12 Volt Solar Panel – For your next camping adventure, be equipped with a 12-volt solar panel. The solar panels capture the sun’s energy and provide you a constant supply of electrical power. With this free energy, you can power your camping appliances, such as: laptops, mobile phones, batteries, motors, heaters, etc. Easy to install, use and maintain, the 12 volt solar panels are very useful. It is a long-lasting energy solution, whether for occasional or frequent use.
Jump Starter – To start the engine of your 4WD vehicle or caravan, buy a 12V jump starter. It can be used even for large-capacity petrol and diesel engines. Compact and lightweight, the jump starter can be used for a variety of purposes, including supplying power for running camping lights and portable fridges. This accessory can run up to 6 months without recharging. Reliable, safe and cost-effective, the jump starter is perfect for any outdoor adventure.
12 Volt Air Compressor – The air compressor for vehicles is another highly useful 12 volt camping equipment. It can be used for many purposes, such as: inflating tires, inflating air beds, boats, etc. It comes with easy to clean air filters which keep the compressor dirt-free. It can be placed on difficult to reach spots by using extendable coil hoses.