Not more than a decade ago we started hearing constant warnings of the effects of global warming, the most apparent being climate change. Indeed, we’ve been the witnesses of these effects, and experts continuously warn there is an irreversible impact on Australia.

Good news is there is something we all, as individuals, can do to help prevent the situation from exacerbating, and attempt to save our beloved planet, our only home. One way to do so is by deciding to opt for energy-efficiency, relying on renewable energy sources. One of the powerful natural sources that started gaining in popularity in the recent years is none other than the sun.
It’s the ideal option if you’ve considered going off-grid, or live in a remote area. While it’s made it as a trend as an electricity power source, its role with water shouldn’t be underestimated. When I say this, I’m referring to solar panel pumps for water. Whether it’s for use with your bore system, submersible well system, or surface, you can find just the right affordable compact, highly effective, robust, sand and silt resistant solar panel pump and system, with stainless steel body designed to withstand the harsh Australian water.

Not only is such a system cheap and easy to maintain, but it’s modular too, meaning you can upgrade it anytime. Since this is the sort of design that runs on PV panel generated electricity, you can save up on paying for water when pumping, no longer requiring an external power source, regardless whether it’s for drinking water supply, or used as irrigation and livestock watering.
What this means is solar panel pumps for water are ideal for the remote areas as well, and anyone who wants to go off-grid. You can save up on installation costs as the simple and fast installation is perfect for a DIY enthusiast. Another reason working in favour of this water solution is helping you be independent. Water is indispensable to our daily lives, and as such there’s no point it should be something that’s in the hands of corporations. It’s the 21st century, and you have the right to have the control over your water supply.
This would teach you how to be self-sufficient, the way our forebearers had been long ago, as well as learn how to be more mindful with water usage, and how to economise by storing it in a water tank where it’d be safe from evaporation and ready to use whenever you need it. It’s high time we started making prudent Eco-friendly decisions, and installing a solar panel water pump is one of them.