Your little one is already a toddler, oh how time goes by! Your bundle of joy can now run, talk and is into everything. But how can you make it past the terrible 2s and terrifying 3s? How do you keep a child busy? What are some things you can do with your active toddler that will still help their development? Let’s take a look at the best toys to keep your busy bee happy and entertained while also learning some useful skills.

Scooters are a safe option for kids to feel a little bit of freedom. They can be two-wheeled or three. If you’re wondering can you get a scooter for 3 year old, rest assured that you can. Buying a scooter for 2 year old is also an option.
When buying a scooter for 3 year old, keep in mind your child’s needs. A three-wheel scooter is recommended for kids starting at age 2. This scooter can be used for most until the age of 8. Talk about a good investment. To keep your little one safe, invest in properly fitting helmet, knee and elbow pads. Plus, proper training is essential to make sure your kid knows how to properly ride the scooter.
Essential Scooter Features
• Adjustable aluminum handlebars are perfect for your child’s growth
• Soft and comfortable Handlebar grips
• An easy lean-to-steer bar
• Wide deck that holds up to 50kg which is the weight of an average 13 year old
• Aluminum alloy braking
• Scooters can come in your favourite child’s colour such as green, blue, red, yellow, aqua
As your child gains confidence you can find a toddler scooter with a seat. They are easy to attach and remove. Once you know they’re ready, just simply take it off and let them ride away. You will see that along with mobility skills, your child will also work on balance, muscle and movement.
Plus, playing outside with other kids has been shown to improve cognitive development. Cognitive development is so important because it’s how children think, explores and figure things out. By simply letting your child play outside with other kids scooting around you help them to knowledge, skills, and problem-solving, they are more equipped for the world.
A trickle I like to call is a three-legged monster. They are the perfect starter bike for your toddler. But, be sure to watch out as your toddler gains confidence he will likely almost run over your foot zooming around. Trikes or tricycles are recommended for kids starting as early as 3 years old. Depending on your child, they can begin at 2 years old.
For your toddler, pick a trike that is low and has big wheels. This type of make will allow your tot to stay safe and grounded. Their tricycle should be manageable as this can be more difficult for them to move around. Much like the scooter your child will get to work on coordination and balance. With a tricycle , you are still facilitating an environment like the scooter for your child to stay outside, stay active and keep growing.

As much as we would love to keep our kids outside, sometimes weather and time doesn’t permit. These might be the most challenging times when we want to pop on a movie and get them out of our hair. I have another solution. It has been proven that puzzle games from an early age help children in more ways than we think. You just have to find the right ones they like. These are fantastic sensory toys for your child’s early development.
Although encouraging socialisation is important, so is independent play. With independent play, your child can build confidence in themselves and their abilities. Puzzle playing improves cognitive development much like the other two activities. Puzzle-making helps your child sense the world they see around them.
Puzzles are made of different colours and shapes. These required shapes are the same as those used in geometry. Imagine that, your toddler’s toys can help them with math later. Skills such as attention span and motor skills are also worked on. Giving your child a puzzle is much more than just a passing activity. You are helping them to make sense of things.
Happy Child – Happy Life

Children are just like sponges. What we as adults show and give them shapes their lives. It’s a great responsibility entrusted to us to raise children. By making purposeful decisions for their activities we are helping them in the future
After this article, you see it is more than just keeping them busy but never stopping the learning train. Playing doesn’t have to stop the train from chugging. Your busy guy or gal will stay active but with forethought. With the right activities for your child hand-picked, you are sure to keep them happy.