Regardless of the industry your business belongs to, there’s probably always some kind of trade show, event or a street market happening, that brings a large group of people together. When this happens, you want to put all your efforts into promoting your business. In order to do so, you need the right tactics that will make your business stand out and get people’s attention. Speaking of the right tactics, when promoting your business in an outdoor environment, a heavy duty gazebo may be your best bet.
Since most outdoor events usually mean that it’s going to be warm outside, you can take advantage of this situation and use your gazebo as a shelter where you can invite guests to come in and enjoy the shade. While inside, you can spread the word about your business and promote your services or products to the local audience. Even better, you may consider giving away something for free like a free consultation, a tote bag or a shirt with your business logo on it, that the event attendee can hang on after the event.
Besides providing shelter while you promote your business, there are other benefits marquees can offer. Unlike other forms of advertising like flyers that can be thrown away immediately or billboards that are short-term advertising tools (unless you make a commitment to change the message on a monthly basis) you can use a gazebo many times. You simply need to make sure to invest in a quality heavy duty gazebo that can withstand different weather conditions and maintain its appearance for years to come. Good options are ones that have reinforced frames and corners to reduce wear and tear and are made of waterproof and fire retardant fabrics.
Also, placing a printed marquee where there is high foot traffic can be an effective way to get the message across. In a busy area, a printed marquee can be used to separate a business from the rest of the crowd. They are instantly noticeable and attractive to look at because of their size, design, and colour, which draws the eye. With a printed gazebo, whether someone is standing in front of your booth or far away, if they’re glancing in your direction, they’re going to see your branding. It instantly draws people’s attention and makes them want to know more about what it is that you sell or offer.