In today’s society class differentiation is viewed as discrimination among people. If in the past, acquaintances among wealthy and lower class men was not possible, today this is quite normal. Moreover, we all have that one family member or a friend who comes from a wealthy family or has managed to start a successful business…. continue reading →
Usually shopping for dads and men in general is an easy task. A new silk tie, tickets to an upcoming soccer game or a simple shirt will put a smile on his face. However, your dad is retiring in few months and you’d really like to surprise him with something really special that will show… continue reading →
Men very often get confused when it comes to gifting women regardless of their age. If you are one of those (confused) men who wants to give the perfect present to your loved one, then you should know one thing – most of the ladies love luxury gifts. Remember, luxury does not necessarily refer to… continue reading →