As dangerous as it might be, motorcycle riding can be quite beneficial for both your physical and mental health. While riding on two wheels isn’t as safe as driving in a car, you can’t just throw away the benefits that come from it. It helps you improve your core strength, especially when moving at a slow speed as well as your mental outlook. This is due to the fact that riding a motorcycle makes your brain release endorphins which boost your mood. Neck strength and healthier and stronger thighs and knees are common benefits for a motorcycle rider. All in all, motorcycle riding is a great way to enjoy your commute after a stressful workday, and enjoy it in style. But for that to happen, alongside some preparations, spare motorcycle parts are going to play a determining factor in your bike’s readiness, as well as yours.

Essential Spare Motor Parts
The light on your motorcycle needs to be as operational as the engine since they both need to work day and night. Bulbs are one of those small but important spare moto parts that you will use no matter the circumstances. Be it foggy, rainy, or scorching hot, you still have to use turn signals and have your headlights on.
Spark Plugs
What gets your motorcycle going and helps start the engine of every motorcycle are the spark plugs. These motorcycle parts are what help create that initial spark that ignites the mixture of fuel and air and propels the motorcycle forward. Having a spare spark plug will not only help you get back on the road quickly but it will also ensure that whenever one gets worn out or comes near the end of its lifespan you can just switch it out.

Push Rivets
If you regularly need to take the fender of your two-wheeler off, you probably know how annoying it can be when those plastic rivets break or go on an adventure of their own. Well, you won’t have to worry about any of this if you just bring some spare push rivets with you. When a rivet goes missing or shatters to pieces, just put a new one and go about your day. It doesn’t get easier than this.
If your motorcycle comes with a keyless ignition fob that allows you to start the motorcycle when you’re near it, then you need to have some spare batteries with you. In case the fob is out of juice, you can just replace its batteries. Otherwise, you will stay stranded until someone either brings you batteries or tows you back home.
Fan & Motor
If your bike is a water-cooled one, then having spare moto parts such as fans and fan motors is one of the first things you need to take care of. It can be hard to get your hands on the right fan and fan motor, so make sure to have spare parts even if you don’t need them right away.
Tyre Repair Kit
While this may not be a motorcycle component, having a spare tyre repair kit on deck can make a big difference. If a tyre on your motorcycle gets punctured you can fix it right on the spot with the tools provided in a tyre repair kit. This kit replaces a spare tyre and it can save you a lot of time when on the road.

How to Clean Aluminium Motorcycle Parts
The first thing you need to do to clean an aluminium part on your motorcycle is rinse it with water and dry it with a clean rag. You can also use a dishwasher cleaner or any other light cleaner. If this doesn’t do the trick then you’ll need to get an aluminium cleaner. Aluminium cleaners are able to remove dirt from aluminium parts far easier, and they make it tough for grease and oil to build up. No matter how much you use this product it won’t do any harm to the aluminium surface. The last resort option here is to use a wire brush. But you must be gentle with it. Your wire brush must be as big as a toothbrush and you must make soft strokes because otherwise, you will scratch the aluminium surface.
How to Polish Aluminium Motorcycle Parts
Once you’ve cleaned an aluminium motorcycle part it’s time to bring back its old shine. To do this, you need to polish it. Polishing starts with sanding the part using sandpaper. Start from harsher grit sandpaper and slowly make your way to finer grits. Once you’ve come to 600 grit sandpaper, start buffing the part. This is done using compounding and bugging wheels/pads that are sold together. Buff out the part with some compound on the wheels/pads in circles. Once done, remove any excess compound and wash the part again. Dry off the part and take a look at its shine. If you’re not satisfied repeat this step until you are.