If your job results in lots and lots of physical documentation you probably find yourself wondering how to deal with storage issue. Considering how important those documents are, you might get in trouble if you loose few in the massive pile of pages, most likely stored on the floor. Or in a worst case scenario, you may loose important documents in an unpredictable disaster like a fire, theft or other. If you want to prevent these situations you need to find a way to safely store and organize your documentation. Two particular methods of preserving important documents are renting a safe deposit box in a bank or plastic wrapping documents at home.
Safety deposit boxes
Renting a safety deposit box in a bank is a great way to store documents for a longer period of time. There are strict safety measures that banks offer as a relief to skeptics who believe their documents can be accessed by bank employees. Hence, when you rent a deposit box, bank gives you two keys which are required to open it – one for you and one for an employee who must be present at the time you open the box. To determine true identity, employees match your signature to the one of the rental agreement before entering the vault. Now that we mentioned the vault, experts say that they are resistant to any kind of floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Compared to plastic wrapping documents at home, there is one downside to the whole story. In case of clients’ death, there are some obstacles before someone else gets permission to open the vault. That’s why it’s suggested for a client to sign legal documents which grants access to a family member in case of clients’ death.
Storing documents at home
The alternative solution to expensive bank safety deposit boxes is plastic wrapping documents and storing them either in the garage or a storage room (if you have one). This method guaranties that documents will stay intact and will always look as if just printed. If you don’t have space in your garage or cannot rent a storage room, the most affordable option is to buy a file cabinet which can even be stored in your bedroom. Most plastic wrapping materials are 100% waterproof so you do not need to worry over accidental spills.
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