A Few Suggestions on How Mobility Equipment Can Make Everyday Activities For Elderly Easier and Safer

Caring for our loved ones once they’re older can prove to be rather challenging, especially while juggling work and kids at the same time. When elderly people start becoming dependant for doing everyday activities, it bothers them as well, since they begin to feel incompetent. Luckily, there is a solution – mobility equipment for elderly. Designed to help the disabled to move around the house, get in and out of a tub, get up from bed, etc., mobility equipment can also be used by elderly people.


Aside from providing assistance, these aids can also protect them from injuries. Of course, as with anything medical, it’s best to consult a doctor regarding what type of equipment would be best. There is a big variety of mobility equipment for elderly, with different purposes and uses, but the most commonly used ones include the following.


They help transfer the weight of the legs to the upper body, thus helping keep the person standing upright.


Also used to shift the load from the legs to the upper body of the user, however, they place greater pressure on the users’ hands and wrists. These are mainly used by people who have problems with balance. White ones are used by visually impaired people.

Chair Raisers

These are used to help the elderly stand up from their chairs.

Toiler Aids

These consist of frames or raised seats that can be put near the toilet seat. By grabbing the handles, the elderly can get up on their own.


Mostly used by people who are unable to walk or should not put weight on their legs. Wheelchairs can be rolled by the user, pushed by another person and there are also special ones that come with an electric motor.

Walking Frames

These consist of a three sided frame that is placed in-front of the user. The user can pick it up, place it further away from them and step forward to meet with it. These can also come
with wheels).

Mobility Scooters

Much like wheelchairs, mobility scooters differ by giving the user a handle bar to control movement. They are usually used by people with low upper body strength or control. Rules of use on side-walks or roads depends on the country.

Mobility Equipment vs Human Help

There are many studies done on this subject, incorporating different ethnic groups and elderly people with different kinds of mobility impairments. They all agreed on one thing – mobility equipment for elderly gives them the independence and control they desire. Plus they expressed their concern that it is hard to find a helping hand that is compassionate. They also expressed their desire to move around without having to wait on anyone or burden their loved ones, additionally stating that independence made them feel younger, more confident and free.

Aiden Jones

Aiden Jones is an Australian student and a freelance writer. When not studying, Aiden spends time reading about different industrial equipment, information technology (computers and networking) and sports. With his elegant writing, Aiden enriches readers with his personal perspective and never steers away from the hard truth.