The old rule “purse and shoes must match” is so yesterday. Maybe the trend was popular decades ago when fashion was not as liberal and when women carried small bags, but not today.
Nowadays there are many new rules regarding shoes and handbags many women are not even aware of. For example, matching shoes and a handbag will make you look older and old-fashioned (not always though). You need to embrace the new fashion rule ‘treat every colour as neutral‘ and only then you will understand the logic behind matching a navy-blue dress with a green handbag and beige shoes.
If you are anything like me, your wardrobe is most likely packed with many great basics. Learn how to match them with a colourful handbag and shoes. Do not combine too many bright colours though because you risk to look like a clown and attract attention in a bad way. And that’s not what we want, do we? Focus on your handbag and create your look around it. Use the same concept when handbag shopping. Also, when shopping womens handbags online (who does not shop online today), make sure you do your research first. Read customer reviews about the particular retailer, its products and their quality. If satisfied with other people’s reviews, continue with your search for the perfect handbag and make the purchase.
Today, a modern handbags is a statement fashion piece. Combined with the right outfit, it will make a strong impact. So, when it comes to handbag styles, there are no rules to be followed. If you like long handle bags, go for it. Or, if small shaped handbags are not your type, don’t wear them simply because everyone loves it. Fashion does not dictate strict rules anymore. If you like dark colours, don’t opt for a colourful outfit. Find your own style and match your handbag and outfit the way you want to. Although there are no strict rules, do not wear a summer bag in winter. Visit your favourite womens handbags online store often to be in tune with latest additions and sale deals.
Although, I’ve said it is all about personal taste and style, here are my top 3 handbag suggestions.
Orchid Pink Coloured Handbag
An orchid pink angular satchel is modern and sophisticated handbag that can go with any outfit.
Chili Coloured Satchel
A chili coloured satchel is the ideal handbag for the upcoming spring and summer months.
Elinore Handbag
Inchiostro Blue Small Satchel
The timeless small satchel in different designs is the perfect handbag. Choose inchiostro blue small satchel and enjoy wearing it throughout the year regardless of the season.
When looking for a new handbag, always buy from trusted and renowned womens handbags online retailer. This is the only way to be sure that you have a genuine and quality handbag.